Design of a First Nations Community Impact Framework for Athletics Australia

Athletics Australia

Research Team: Dr Keane Wheeler, Ms Emily Hall, Dr Veronique Richard, A/Prof Steven Rynne, Dr Emma Beckman, Prof John Cairney

Funding Body: Athletics Australia

Years: 2022-2023

The aim of this research is to provide Athletics Australia with an overarching Athletics Australia First Nations Community Impact Framework. The specific objectives include:

  1. Understand program outcomes through a Theory of Change
  2. Develop Athletics Australia First Nations Evaluation Framework
  3. Implement the Framework
  4. Develop a final reporting template

An empowerment method will be utilised which takes a collaborative approach to support program stakeholders to own the evaluation. This is done with the aim of building capacity within program stakeholders around evaluation; providing a strong collaborative platform to bring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander values and methods to the forefront of the evaluation led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers; and to ensure that evaluation and program outcomes are reciprocal and promote community ownership. 

Project members

Dr Véronique Richard

Research Fellow
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Affiliate of Health and Wellbeing Centre for Research Innovation
Health and Wellbeing Centre for Research Innovation

Associate Professor Emma Beckman

Director of Teaching and Learning & Associate Professor
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences

Professor John Cairney

Head of School
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Affiliate of Health and Wellbeing Centre for Research Innovation & Centre Director of Health and Wellbeing Centre for Research Innovation
Health and Wellbeing Centre for Research Innovation