HMST4925 Individual Research Project List

A list of potential projects for students in either BExSS (Hons) or BClinExP (Hons) and undertaking HMST4925 Individual Research Project are provided for students once finalised. 

It is the student's responsibility to find a project well in advance of the start of the semester (#NB – students are strongly advised to action this well in advance of the official semester start date). Many projects are offered for more than one student – this does not mean the project is done as group work, but rather that project will be split up so that individuals can work on an aspect of the project. Some aspects of the project may be shared (e.g. data collection) among multiple students. Please see the Electronic Course Profile for full details. 

Project List

If you are interested in undertaking a specific project, then please contact the relevant contact via email to express you interest in the project. The projects list is by no means exhaustive and you may also discuss undertaking different projects within the School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences. If you have already organised a project there is no need to 'reapply' for the project.   

Things to do when expressing interest in a project:

  1. Write a detailed cover letter / email expressing your interest in a project and why you think you would be a good fit to the project
  2. Provide a brief (approximately 2 page) CV including your personal details, history of academic study (grade point average or grades in specific relevant courses etc might be appropriate) and any other relevant information (e.g. work experience etc)
  3. Request an appointment to talk about the project with the adviser 

Things not to do when expressing interest in a project:

  1. Do not apply for and accept places on multiple projects or decline a project at the last minute
  2. Do not expect that submitting an expression of interest is equivalent to being accepted on a project placement  - it is up to the adviser to confirm a placement on a project. This will be based on whether the adviser believes the student is a good fit for the project or if there are enough students interested in the project to warrant running the project
  3. Do not harass potential advisers for appointments or for places on research projects - many academics lead busy lives, often travel for work and have students contacting them. Be patient, a gentle reminder email one week after contacting an adviser is appropriate. If you don't hear back, then please try and find another adviser or speak to the HMNS student admin team for advice. 

Professional standards

Supervisor information

Information for supervisors of the HMST4925 Honours Research Project:

HMST4925: Information for supervisors (PDF, 100.6 KB)