Childhood overweight and obesity is a national health concern. There are currently limited public services in Queensland, however, these are improving slowly, but with varying level of success. This project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a multi-site paediatric multidisciplinary weight management service and investigate key factors that are crucial for success across different clinical settings. The use of standard data collection tools across the service sites will inform and strengthen the research and be used to ensure best practice is being provided to patients. By taking a pragmatic approach, researchers and clinicians are able to answer questions that are relevant in real-life settings, and have the potential to impact significantly on health care practices and service delivery. The outcomes from this project will help to ensure that the public health system can provide ongoing, individualised family centered care and management for children who are living with overweight or obesity.       

Funding body: This project is being conducted by a collaboration of researchers from The University of Queensland and clinicians from the Queensland Children’s Hospital, Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Services, and Redcliffe Hospital, Metro North Hospital and Health Service.    

Project members

UQ School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences researchers involved in this project: