Health, Sport and Physical Education Placements
Professional experience is an integral part of the Bachelor of Health, Sport and Physical Education (Honours). Students within this program undertake more than 100 days of supervised teaching experience in a range of settings including primary, secondary and schools for children with special needs. It is an opportunity for students to apply theoretical knowledge to practice and develop teaching skills in a real-life setting.
Semester 1 Placements
3rd Year
Introduction Professional Experience (EDUC3004)
Program: 3rd Year, Bachelor of Health Sport & Physical Education (Honours)
Course: EDUC3004 Supportive Learning Environments
Duration: 5 days (full time in school)
Location: Primary schools in Queensland
Purpose: Introduction to schools through observation of PE specialist and general classroom teachers. Reference point for concepts & issues of discussion in EDUC3004.
Dates: 17 - 21 Feb OR 24 Feb - 28 Feb 2020
Supporting documentation
- Handbook for Observation Professional Experience
- QCT Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
- QCT Evidence Guide for Supervising Teachers
- DET Professional Experience Checklist
- There is no official reporting required for this placement
- At-Risk process
Pre-Service Teacher information
- Lesson observation and analysis template 1
- Lesson observation and analysis template 2
- BHSPE student professionalism
Pay claims
Please send all pay claims and enquiries to HABS HR Transactions
UniPE Primary (EDUC3004)
Program: 3rd Year, Bachelor of Health Sport & Physical Education (Honours)
Course: EDUC3004 Supportive Learning Environments
Duration: 10 half days (5 days equivalent)
Location: Primary schools in Brisbane
Purpose: Introduction to PE teaching in a primary school context
Dates: Friday mornings, semester 1.
This placement is directly supervised by UQ tutors at partner schools.
Supporting documentation
- QCT Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
- QCT Evidence Guide for Supervising Teachers
- DET Professional Experience Checklist
Pre-Service Teacher information
- Lesson observation and analysis template 1
- Lesson observation and analysis template 2
- Assessment
- BHSPE student professionalism
Motor Active (EDUC3004)
Program: 3rd Year, Bachelor of Health Sport & Physical Education (Honours)
Course: EDUC3004 Supportive Learning Environments
Duration: 8 x 2 hour sessions (3 days equivalent)
Location: Connell Gym, School of Human Movement & Nutrition Sciences, UQ
Purpose: Introduction to working with children with special needs
Dates: Weekdays after school, Semester 1
Motor Active is a public physical activity clinic for primary aged children with special needs.
Supporting documentation
- Motor Active Handbook
- QCT Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
- QCT Evidence Guide for Supervising Teachers
- There is no official reporting required for this placement
Pre-Service Teacher information
- Lesson observation and analysis template 1
- Lesson observation and analysis template 2
- Assessment
- BHSPE student professionalism
4th Year
Major Professional Experience - Education (EDUC4005)
Program: 4th Year, Bachelor of Health Sport & Physical Education (Honours)
Course: EDUC4005 Major Professional Experience (Education)
Duration: 60 days (full time in school)
Location: Secondary schools in Queensland
Purpose: Embed in secondary school HPE & Junior Science teaching for 12 weeks
- State schools: 23 March - 26 June 2020
- Non-state schools: 16 March - 19 June 2020
*Please check individual school calendars since non-state schools have a variety of Term 2 finishing dates.
Supporting documentation
- Handbook for Major Professional Experience
- QCT Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
- QCT Evidence Guide for Supervising Teachers
- DET Professional Experience Checklist
- Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment (GTPA) Factsheet for Teachers
Pre-Service Teacher information
- Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment (GTPA) Factsheet for Pre-Service Teachers
- Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students (LANTITE)
- Lesson observation and analysis template 1
- Lesson observation and analysis template 2
- Assessment
- BHSPE student professionalism
Pay claims
Please send all pay claims and enquiries to HABS HR Transactions
Semester 2 Placements
3rd Year
Minor Professional Experience (EDUC3006)
Program: 3rd Year, Bachelor of Health Sport & Physical Education (Honours)
Course: EDUC3006 Inquiry Based Pedagogies
Duration: 10 days (full time in school)
Location: Secondary schools in Queensland
Purpose: Introduction to teaching in a secondary school context
Dates: 13 July - 24 July 2020
Supporting documentation
- Handbook for Minor Professional Experience
- QCT Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
- QCT Evidence Guide for Supervising Teachers
- DET Professional Experience Checklist
Pre-Service Teacher information
- Lesson observation and analysis template 1
- Lesson observation and analysis template 2
- Assessment
- BHSPE student professionalism
Pay claims
Please send all pay claims and enquiries to HABS HR Transactions
UniPE Secondary (EDUC3006)
Program: 3rd Year, Bachelor of Health Sport & Physical Education (Honours)
Course: EDUC3006 Inquiry Based Pedagogies
Duration: 3 weeks (full time in school)
Location: Secondary schools in Queensland
Purpose: Exploration of advanced teaching styles in a junior secondary school context and teacher-researcher action learning project
Dates: 6 Oct - 23 Oct 2020
Supporting documentation
- Handbook for UniPE Secondary Professional Experience
- QCT Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
- QCT Evidence Guide for Supervising Teachers
Pre-Service Teacher information
- Lesson observation and analysis template 1
- Lesson observation and analysis template 2
- BHSPE student professionalism
Pay claims
Please send all pay claims and enquiries to HABS HR Transactions
Pre-placement requirements
There are a range of pre-placement requirements set by the University of Queensland that Bachelor of Health, Sport and Physical Education (Honours) students are required to meet prior to the commencement of placements.
More information about WIL Placements can be found at UQ HaBS Prepare for your Placement.
Prepare for your Health, Sport and Physical Education placement
If you are a student with questions about professional placements, or a school looking to request a UQ pre-service teacher for professional experience, please email Sue Monsen or Paul Treschman at: