Three researchers from UQ’s Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences have been highlighted in the prestigious international list of 2022 Highly Cited Researchers.
The annual list identifies researchers who demonstrated significant influence in their field or fields through highly cited publications ranked in the top one per cent of citations for field and publication year over the past decade.

Professor Genevieve Healy from UQ’s School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences was named in the Social Sciences category, for the seventh year in a row.
Professor Healy’s work about supporting adults to sit less and move more across the day has influenced policy and guidelines regarding the importance of reducing prolonged sitting time.
Professor Healy works with multiple industry and partner organisations to translate her research into practice.

Emeritus Professor Wayne Hall AM from UQ's National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research was named in the Cross-Field category, for the fourth year (2002, 2020, 2021 and 2022).
Professor Hall’s work on the health effects of cannabis use, the effectiveness of drug substitution treatment, heroin trials, the effect of illicit drugs on the global burden of disease, and other matters of addiction and ethics have all been recognised as ground-breaking.
Professor Hall’s contribution in the alcohol and drugs fields has significantly impacted addiction research and shaped policies in Australia and internationally.

Professor Wendy Brown from UQ’s School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences was named in the Cross-Field category.
Professor Brown's research on physical activity and the prevention and management of chronic illness at a population level, in particular in the areas of obesity and women’s health, draws on exercise science and behavioural epidemiology.
Professor Brown’s work has informed the development of national guidelines for physical activity and sedentary behaviour in adults and during pregnancy and has influenced government policies and practice in women’s and public health.
UQ recorded the highest number of Highly Cited Researcher Awards of any Australian university this year.
The full Highly Cited Researchers 2022 list can be found online here.