The History of Basketball Queensland

Basketball Queensland

This project documented the 75 year history of Basketball Queensland, the sporting organisation responsible for administering basketball in this State. 

Research Team 

Dr Stephen Townsend and  Professor Murray Phillips

Funding Source 

Basketball Queensland

Research Output

This project produced a 40,000word published book called The Playmakers, which was launched at Parliament House on 1 September 2021. The published book provides a focal point for the Queensland basketball community to remember their history and to celebrate the achievements of players, administrators, coaches, referees, and volunteers. It also highlights areas for continued attention, including gender equity and engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.   

Potential impact

 This project contributes to the knowledge of community sport in Queensland, in particular how basketball responded to shifting cultural trends throughout the 20th century. Findings may be used by Basketball Queensland to engage with different communities.


Project members

HMNS Researchers

Professor Murray Phillips

School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Centre Director of Centre for Sport and Society
Centre for Sport and Society

Dr Stephen Townsend

Research Fellow
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Affiliate of Centre for Sport and Society
Centre for Sport and Society