Researcher biography

Specialises in labour economics, regional economics and industrial economics.

John Mangan is a Professor of Economics within the UQ Business School at the University of Queensland and was the inaugural Director of the Australian Institute for Business and Economics (2014-15). John’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Economics, Diploma of Education and Master of Economic Studies from the University of Queensland and a Master of Arts and PhD in Economics from the University of Lancaster (UK). John is a member of the Economic Society of Australia (Qld branch), Australasian Regional Science Association International, Royal Economic Society and Labour Economics Group (UK).

Extensively published, John is an experienced presenter who has lectured in a broad range of subject areas including regional economics, labour economics, business finance, business policy, human resource management, management and quantitative economics. John was the Director of the Centre of Economic Policy Modelling (2001-2006), the Director of the Labour Market Research Unit within the Department of Employment and Training (2001-2004) and an Eminent Research Visitor to the Department of Education and Training (2006). John is, currently, a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Manpower and has held previous editorial roles with the Australasian Journal of Regional Studies (joint editor 1994-2004) and Focus on Economics series, Oxford University Press (General Editor, 1992-1994). John has been a visiting Research Professor at the Universities of Lancaster (England), Ulster (Northern Ireland) and Kiel (Germany). John has extensive industry consultative experience (including Taskforce, Commissions of Inquiry and Review Committees) and is currently a Principal of Synergies Economic Consulting. He is currently a member of the Ministerial Commisssion for training and Education.

With extensive academic, consultancy, editorial and ‘expert opinion’ experience, John is a skilled economic modeller, and a leading researcher in the areas of:

  • Labor and Social Economics
  • Economic impact analysis
  • Economics of professional sports
  • Human resource management
  • Workplace health and safety
  • Applied micro-economics