Mr Jimmy Wangdi

Researcher biography
Jimmy is a PhD student at the QUEX Institute (University of Queensland and University of Exeter) under the supervision of Professor Jo Bowtell (UoE), Dr Vince Kelly (QUT), Dr Mary O’Leary (UoE) and Dr Michael Leveritt (UQ). His PhD is investigating the influence of montmorency tart cherry juice supplementation on exercise performance, recovery and sleep. His work focusses primarily on the impact of montmorency tart cherry supplementation on exercise function, as well as muscle and blood antioxidant, inflammatory and oxidative stress markers. Prior to starting his PhD, Jimmy completed an Undergraduate and Masters degree at the University of Exeter.
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Research interests
Physiology, Sports Nutrition
Project title
The influence of Montmorency tart cherry supplementation on exercise performance, sleep and recovery
Associate Professor Joanna Bowtell
Associate Professor David Jenkins
Associate Professor Francis Stephens