How user-centred design supported the translation and implementation of the BeUpstanding program into practice

Implementation science seeks to “close the gap” between what we know and what we do by identifying and addressing barriers to the uptake, delivery and sustainability of evidence-base programs in practice.
User centred design may offer a useful methodology to help “close the gap” and support research translation in a pragmatic and timely way. User centred design (UCD) is by its nature iterative and collaborative and quickly identifies multiple stakeholders, grounding the design of an innovation and /or implementation strategy in information about them and their needs in context. Dr Goode will present an overview and example of translating BeUpstanding: a champion-led behaviour change program into practice, to show how UCD methodologies can provide a rigorous and flexible approach to achieve implementation in real-world settings for diverse users.

Dr Ana Goode is a Senior Research Fellow at HMNS. She works as an implementation scientist in the field of health promotion and health behaviour change. Her primary focus and passion is on translating and evaluating evidence-based healthy lifestyle programs in practice. She has a particular interest in end-user and stakeholder engagement and design thinking.


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